Who would not want a unique wedding? This fabric bouquet will surely set the mood on any bride's THE day! Embellished with high quality handmade fabric flowers and other elements that exhibit joy and a rustic wedding dresses
feel... a handmade bouquet that is one of a kind for a discounted price of 5k
Brides bouquet
Throw flower
Bridesmaids bouquet
Flower girls head dress
Comes in theme colors
Who would not want a unique wedding? This fabric bouquet will surely set the mood on any bride's THE day! Embellished with high quality handmade fabric flowers and other elements that exhibit joy and a
feel... a handmade bouquet that is one of a kind for a discounted price of 5k
Brides bouquet
Throw flower
Bridesmaids bouquet
Flower girls head dress
Comes in theme colors